Kobolds, Imps & Goblins
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Kobolds, Imps & Goblins

Kobolds, Imps & Goblins

The nuances between the races


Misshapen, crude, and degenerate. They generally are not subtle enough to be Wizards, but they make excellent warriors and weapon smiths. They congregate in Goblintown, Obsidian City, and the ports of Alessar’s Keep. Their skin is a dark, dingy green.


The most refined, civilized, and congenial. They are talented in music, artistry, and some great Wizards and some are great warriors. Many even consider them to be beautiful, and their skin tones come in many shades of a cool, light green. And though they are generally civil, they do have an “impish” side to them that leads them to engage in trickery, pranks, and other dodgy behavior, all generally harmless of course.

This Impish behavior, however, was magnified greatly, somewhere in their past, when Quantum Magic was used to create a super symmetrical breed of Dark Imps. The Nightmare Imp, Prince of Darkness himself, sits on the Throne of Chaos, and spawns hordes of dark implings who indulge this penchant for trickery to destructive ends. Ironically, the only time of year when the destruction is tempered, is Halloween, when the Nightmare Imp relaxes and engages in “Trick or Treat” from his Tower in the Vampyre Mist.


The weirdos sitting in the middle, a freakish missing link between the two. In this context, the Kobolds are kinda difficult to categorize. They have some Goblinish qualities and some Impish qualities! They are generally lovable, dopey, and will never fail to surprise you. They have a reputation for being dim witted, and yet some have achieved Wizard status! (indeed, there are types of magic where being empty headed is a virtue!) Kobolds are not known to be strong, agile, or athletic, and yet some are accomplished warriors! They can be kind and generous, but are also known to terrorize (see Kobolds Crossroad) And true to their uncategorizable nature, nobody can say what color they are! Everyone agrees that Imps are cool green, Goblins are dark and dingy green, but Kobolds, are a stubborn shade between yellow and green that has ripped cults apart in disagreement.